Where Has Cat Been? // Update

I want to start this off with my deepest apologies as I haven't made a post in nearly a month! (I know, I know. I'm a terrible blogger). I took some time out for me as things were getting really stressful at school and life in general was kind of getting on top of me. I do hope that you'll all forgive my absence and be happy to know that I'm coming back with my weekly posts.

I'm on my Easter holidays now so I'm going to be writing a fair few posts so that I can schedule them for the next few months as the upcoming weeks are going to be somewhat hectic. I have

  • Art coursework
  • to revise for my AS Level exams
  • take said exams
  • work out uni open days
  • a wedding
  • a christening
  • my birthday
  • Easter
  • and just school in general
Yeah... so all that in just a few short months! Its going to be manic. 

I hope you're all doing well! Leave me a comment telling me how your week has been, I love chatting with you all.

Thanks for sticking with me!


Unknown said...

Hey Catherine :)

Great to see you back, and its always good to take a break. Whew - that is a long list of things you have there, but a big old happy birthday in advance ;)!

My week has been pretty chill. I was sick for the first part = not much fun, but then I am getting better and slowly getting on my feet again.

Looking forward to reading your new blog posts :)

xX Zoe | http://life-gazing-and-wildstrawberries.blogspot.com/

Unknown said...

Hey Zoe!

Thank you!! I am very excited about my birthday and I've written a tonne of posts to go up within the next couple of months :)

I'm glad you're feeling better!

lots of love xxx