Back To School Necessities


Its that dreaded time of year again! I'm sorry to say but its time to head back to school. I know that school can be a dreaded thing for a lot of people (even me sometimes) but it can be made easier by remembering the necessities need for a smooth running school year.

  1. A Smile! This can help on so many levels especially if you are going to a new school or meeting new people. It makes you seem like a much friendlier and a more open person.
  2. A good work ethic! If your'e not prepared to work then how do you expect to get the grades?
  3. All the new stationary and books! If your school/college expects you to buy them before the beginning of the term/semester then there's nothing worse than last minute panic buying.
  4. CAFFEINE!!!!! This is important. sometimes coffee is the only way you'll see me awake and semi-presentable at 8am.
  5. A good attitude! I think this is by far the most important. If your'e heading into school ready to argue with all of your teachers and not do any work then I think that there is no point in being there. Education is ver important and will leave you with firm foundations for the future (Now I'm starting to sound like a teacher... Great.)
I hope that you found this helpful or interesting (hopefully both!) and I'll speak to you all very soon! Don't forget to check out my YouTube! Click here

Much Love

Catherine xox

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